A dermatologist in Aliso Viejo explains why laser hair removal is superior to other treatments
From plucking and waxing to electrolysis and depilatories, there are several options to remove unwanted hair. But if you are looking for a quick, long-term yet cost-effective solution, laser hair removal is the right choice for you. Keep reading to learn how laser hair removal can help eliminate unwanted hair.
What Is Laser Hair Removal?
- The first laser was designed in 1964 by Theodore H Maiman to destroy hair follicles. Laser hair removal is an aesthetic treatment that uses a laser beam to target melanin in the hair follicles. Laser energy absorbs the hair follicles and prevents or delays hair growth. The YAG laser was the first ever laser to be approved by FDA.
Advantages Of Laser Over Other Methods
Let’s discover why laser is better than other hair-removing techniques.
It Leaves No Scars
- Threading is one of the most painful methods for hair removal. It is an option for temporarily removing small amounts of hair. Although shaving is not as painful, there is always a chance of cuts or bruises. On the other hand, with waxing, there is an increased risk of burns from hot wax.
However, laser hair removal eliminates all these painful and unwanted side effects. The laser leaves no room for scars or bruises. It is a quick and safe process that can be done on any body part.
Get Rid Of Ingrown Hairs
- Ingrown hairs are one of the biggest problems after shaving, epilating, or waxing. But with laser hair removal, you don’t have to worry about these woes. The laser removes hair from the roots and prevents ingrown hair from occurring. In addition, the laser also eliminates bruises and burns from hot wax. Regular laser treatment can delay the growth of hair as well as permanently get rid of ingrown hairs.
Leaves Your Skin Softer Than Before
- Shaving results in the appearance of prickly stubble after a couple of days. On the other hand, laser hair removal leaves no stray hair or stubble behind. In addition, after a laser treatment session, your skin feels silky and smooth. When your hair grows back, they are thinner and softer than before. The laser helps you get rid of thick hair that causes your skin to become rough.
It Provides Long Lasting Results
- One of the best things about laser hair removal is its long-lasting results. With just one session, hair takes weeks and months to grow back. However, multiple treatments spaced at 4-6 weeks are required for optimum results. Hair takes much longer to reappear with every subsequent session. Moreover, the hair that grows back is sparse and thin, resulting in no hair.
Fast and Efficient Method
- Laser hair removal gives efficient results in a short time. Unlike waxing, larger areas are targeted in a single application. In addition, it does not require multiple applications in a single location. A full-body laser can be performed in just 30 minutes.
Precise And Cost Effective
Energy beams from laser target hair right at their follicles. It is a precise technique that offers faster results. In addition, the laser is suited for all skin tones. Once you start taking laser sessions, you will no longer have to spend money on regular waxing and other methods. Although laser requires you to pay more money upfront, it allows you to save money over time. It is a cost-effective treatment that offers promising results.
Cutera XEO laser treatment offered by Alladerm is an excellent choice for hair removal. The laser beam gets rid of a broad strip of hair at once. It uses truPulse technology to deliver consistent and quality results, leaving you with smooth skin and restored confidence.
Alladerm offers Laser Hair Removal Services at affordable rates. Call us at 949-916-7166 to schedule your appointments. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.
source https://alladerm.com/laser-hair-removal/
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