Monday, March 21, 2022

Different Types Of Chemical Peels And Acids (Part 1)

Dermatologists in Aliso Viejo talk about different types of chemical peels and acids

Depending on the needs and sensitivity of the skin, there are quite a few options of chemical peels available. It is best to research and read about different types of peels before you choose your option. Continue reading to find out all about different types of chemical peels and acids.

Types Of Chemical Peels

  • The strength of chemical peels depends on the concentration of acids and active ingredients. The higher the concentration the stronger is the peel. Depending on the potency, professional chemical peels are divided into three categories.

Superficial Chemical Peels

  • Superficial chemical peels are also known as light peels. They work on the epidermis or superficial layer of the skin to remove the built-up dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. Some of the superficial peels remove only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, while others reach deep till the basal layer.

The superficial chemical peeling can be performed by an aesthetician or a board-certified physician. Superficial chemical peels are ideal for treating a variety of complexion concerns. These include:

  • Fine lines
  • Acne
  • Acne scarring
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven texture
  • Dullness

Medium Chemical Peels

  • Medium peels penetrate the entire epidermis to reach within the papillary dermis to exfoliate cells. The papillary dermis is the thin top layer of the dermis. It is responsible for giving blood and nutrients to the epidermis through its network of blood vessels and connective tissues.

It is essential to consult with a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before going for the treatment. This will help avoid possible complications and unwanted outcomes. Since medium peels penetrate the deeper layer of skin, they produce more pronounced results as compared to light chemical peels.

Medium peels are well suited for the following skin issues:

Commonly Used Medium Peels

Most aestheticians use the following concentration of chemicals when performing the treatment.

  • 20 to 35% concentration of Trichloroacetic Acid or TCA
  • 35 to 50% concentration of glycolic acid
  • For deeper penetration modified Jessner’s solution is applied in multiple coats.

Deep Chemical Peels

  • As the name indicates, deep chemical peels penetrate the deepest into the skin to provide the most promising results. Deep chemical peels may penetrate down into the reticular dermis by removing the entire epidermis and the papillary dermis.

Deep peels may carry some risks which are why they are performed only by a highly trained, board-certified provider. They address the most significant skin concerns including:

  • Scarring
  • Deep wrinkles
  • Sun damage
  • Uneven skin tone
  • Pre-cancerous growths
  • Skin laxity

Chemical Concentration

  • types of chemical peelsIn deep chemical peel treatment, TCA is used in concentrations of 50 percent or more depending on the patient’s goals and needs.

This concentration of TCA is capable of producing relatively noticeable results by performing the deep peel. This is the most powerful formulation used for chemexfoliation treatment in the Baker-Gordon Peel.

Baker-Gordon Peel

  • Baker-Gordon Peel was developed in the 1960s. Originally the formulation consisted of phenol and croton oil which is the oil derived from seeds of the Croton Tiglium plant. This helped resurface the skin but gave rise to unwanted hypopigmentation and an unnatural appearance.

So the modern Baker-Gordon Peels have adjusted the amount of croton oil in a way that gives practitioners more control over the depth of the peel. Combined with pre-treatment regimens this modern composition of deep peels safely eliminates all the skin concerns.

At Alladerm, your chemical peel is customized to ensure you get the most benefits from treatment. Book your appointments at 949-916-7166 to consult with a reliable esthetician to determine the best type of peel for your skin. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


Friday, March 18, 2022

A Guide To Chemical Peels

Here is a complete guide to chemical peels and how it can improve your skin

Chemical peels have been used for skincare purposes since the Egyptian era. For correcting a wide range of complexion woes, chemical peels act as a humble yet powerful, affordable, versatile, and relatively quick alternative. Here is all you need to know about chemical peels.

Chemexfoliation Or Chemical Peeling

  • Chemical peeling or chemical exfoliation is a technique that uses a chemical solution to cause a controlled peeling of the epidermis and the dermis. The solution causes the outer layer of the skin to strip away in a controlled manner which helps stimulate the skin’s regenerative process.

This process triggers the natural production of collagen and elastin thereby revealing smoother skin within a week.

Chemical Peeling Procedure

  • The process of chemical exfoliation begins by cleansing and degreasing the skin with alcohol and acetone. Sometimes a numbing cream is applied to the skin to make the procedure more comfortable.

Superficial peels do not require topical numbing agents. Deeper peels, however, require local anesthetic, IV sedation, or general anesthesia.

Application Of The Solution

  • Once, the skin is ready the practitioner will evenly brush the solution on your face. Self-neutralizing peels stop working within a few seconds while other continuous peels have to be neutralized when required.

The skin takes on a frosted appearance when the peeling agent is applied. The degree of frost determines the depth of the peel. In areas where wrinkling is deeper such as areas around the mouth, the solution may be reapplied.


  • Recovery greatly depends on the type of treatment, personal goals, issues being treated, as well as at-home care. After the treatment, you may experience mild burning, itching, redness, swelling, and flaking which lasts only a few days.

Recovery from a medium peel takes a week. Whereas deeper peels can result in some swelling and redness which takes about 2 weeks to diminish.

At-Home Care

  • For achieving long-lasting and promising results it is crucial to take care of your skin during the healing period. It is important to keep the skin clean and hydrated and follow all the post-treatment instructions.

It is advised to avoid poking, picking, and peeling the fragile skin. Staying out of the sun for a few days until the wounds are healed is helpful. For post-procedure skincare, it is wise to apply sunscreen to prolong the effects of the treatment.

Benefits Of Chemical Peels

There are different types of chemical peels that target different skin problems. But the overall benefits of chemical peels are listed below.

Treats Acne

  • Topical acne treatments work superficially while a chemical peel deeply exfoliates the skin thereby cleansing your skin more thoroughly.

Thus revealing a fresh and new layer of skin with a reduced risk of acne breakouts. When peels are received in a series they work better for treating acne.

Shrinks Pores

Removes Fine Lines And Wrinkles

  • chemical peelsWrinkles and fine lines are a constant reminder of aging skin and they prevent us from enjoying the present moment. But fortunately, chemical peels can rescue you from frustration.

Chemical peels can efficiently remove even the toughest wrinkles. The specialized chemical solutions can help you get rid of fine lines permanently.

Reduces Discoloration

  • When discoloration, hyperpigmentation, or sunspots are getting in the way of your confidence, a chemical peel can help. Peels can fade the discoloration from the skin for good.

Improves Skin Texture

  • Chemical peeling is also helpful in receding the scars and lifting the skin. By lifting a tough and rigid layer of skin from the face, neck, or hands, the chemical peeling can provide you with smooth and younger-looking skin.

At Alladerm, your chemical peel is customized to ensure you get the most benefits from treatment. Whatever your concerns may be there is always a peel option for you. Book your appointments at 949-916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.


Monday, March 14, 2022

7 Practical Tips To Make Your Dermal Fillers Last Longer

Here is a list of 7 valuable tips to make your dermal fillers last longer

From minimizing your exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiations, a well-balanced lifestyle, to practicing a proper skincare regimen, there are several techniques to prolong the effects of your dermal fillers. Here are some tips to extend the results of your treatment.

Protect Your Skin From UV Rays

  • Overexposure to UV rays is among the most common causes of skin damage. Strong UV rays are sufficient to burn sensitive facial skin. The delicate areas of skin are prone to sunburn even with sunblock. It is therefore advisable to limit your exposure to the sun especially when the sun is at its peak.

Use broad-spectrum sunblocks with higher SPF and wide-brimmed hats to protect your face from direct UV radiations. Constant protection against the sun can allow you to maintain the results of any skincare treatment including dermal fillers.

Avoid Stress

Stress can trigger the process of aging and worsen the signs of aging including wrinkles and fine lines. Stress being a part of daily life may be difficult to avoid however minimizing your levels of stress can have plenty of positive effects on the skin and body.

For extending the results of your treatment it is crucial to reduce the stress-inducers. Incorporating stress-relieving techniques such as meditation and exercise in your routine can also help.

Avoid Low-Quality OTC Products

Many of the OTC and cheap skincare products have harmful ingredients. These ingredients can seriously affect your skin and overall health. They may cause irritation and trigger allergic reactions. The harmful ingredients in OTC skincare products include:

  • Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES)
  • Antibacterial substances such as formaldehyde
  • Conditioning agents such as propylene glycol
  • Fragrances

Stay Hydrated

  • Another important tip for maintaining healthy and moisturized skin is to drink plenty of water. A well moisturized and properly hydrated skin can help extend the benefits of Botox and other dermal fillers.

Make sure you are properly hydrated at all times to enhance the effects of hyaluronic acid fillers. Hydration also helps to eliminate toxins out of the body thereby keeping your skin clear and fresh.

Quit Drinking And Smoking

  • Most people are already aware of the effects of smoking on the lungs, but what you may not know is that smoking harms your skin as well. Nicotine narrows down the blood vessels thereby reducing the moisture and blood supply to the skin. This may lead to premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and more.

Just like caffeine, alcohol also dehydrates the body and the skin. In addition, alcohol makes the blood thin thereby resulting in bruises and bleeding after treatment.

Improve Your Dietary Intake

  • dermal fillers last longerThe sugar content of highly processed foods binds with collagen and elastin and interferes with their ability to keep the skin young and hydrated. The key to healthy skin and body is a wholesome, well-balanced diet abundant in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Include antioxidant-rich foods in your diet including berries, red grapes, peaches, cabbage, and more. Limit the intake of processed foods and drinks such as fried food, bakery items. Watch your caffeine and dairy intake and use salt-free spices to flavor your food.

Follow Post-Treatment Instructions

  • It is crucial to follow any post-treatment instructions given by your health care provider. This may include instructions about future appointments or follow-up treatment. The procedure will more likely be effective if you adhere to instructions and recommendations regarding your treatment.

If you want to learn more about the non-invasive dermal fillers that visibly reduce the signs of aging, call us at 949-916-7166. We offer multiple cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers, kybella, Laser Hair Removal, laser genesis, micro-needling, and PDO thread lift at discounted rates. We provide services in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Top 10 Red-Red 360 Treatment Benefits (Part 2)

Here are the top red-red 360 treatment benefits and features for your body and skin

Photobiomodulation was discovered in the 1950s and since its discovery, it has rapidly grown in popularity because of its increasing number of benefits. Red-red 360 works on photobiomodulation and uses red and near-infrared wavelengths to stimulate cellular functions. This improves energy, overall health, and wellbeing. Here are some incredible benefits of red-red 360.

Supports Quick Recovery

  • Muscle soreness is a physiological process that occurs naturally after exercise and lasts for up to 48 hours. Continuous and intense exercise causes the development of small tears in the muscles. This results in fatigue and pain that prevents you from exercising further. Not only that muscle soreness also makes it difficult to do everyday activities.

When you are slow and stiff it is going to affect your performance by making the next workout less effective. This is because muscles are already damaged so you can’t push yourself as hard.

Effects Of Red Light

  • Red light penetrates deep into the muscle cells to produce energy molecules that allow muscles to work properly. This reduces muscles soreness and allows you to train harder and recover faster.

Improves Sleep Quality And Reduces Insomnia

  • According to research more than half of us have difficulty falling asleep at least 3 out of 7 nights a week. Regardless of the causes, insomnia can be debilitating and dangerous as it increases the risk of certain health conditions. Red-red 360 can help improve the quality of sleep and reduce insomnia because of its ability to improve blood circulation in major organs.

With just a few weeks of treatment, significant improvements in sleep patterns and quality can be observed. Moreover, regular treatment with red-red 360 can reduce anxiety, improve cognitive functions, and enhance mood.

It Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties

  • Several research-based studies prove that red light therapy is effective in reducing pain and inflammation. A 2015 study on plantar fasciitis shows that red light helps reduce pain and inflammation associated with this condition. Plantar fasciitis is an inflammatory condition that causes pain on the bottom of the heels.

Similar studies indicate that specific wavelengths in red light can help with arthritis pain. The efficacy of red light in reducing pain is in part due to its ability to stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a chemical produced in the body which relaxes blood vessels and increases circulation.

It Is Good For Heart Health

  • Red light from red-red 360 can improve heart health primarily in two ways. First, it improves circulation and delivery of oxygen to the heart and brain. A consistent flow of oxygen-rich blood through arteries can improve cardiac function and metabolic rate. Second, red-red 360 helps alleviate inflammation throughout the body.

Inflammation is the major contributor to several conditions including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and depression. Studies show that red light therapy increases blood flow by 9% on average and reduces LDL or bad cholesterol by 19%.

Treats Depression

  • red-red 360 treatment A growing body of research supports red light therapy as a relatively new form of depression treatment. Evidence from research studies shows that red light is effective in alleviating depression in certain patients. It has been proven to mitigate symptoms associated with multiple forms of depression including, premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), postpartum depression, and other mood disorders.

It works by modulating the natural production of neurotransmitters in our brain including dopamine and serotonin. Red light therapy is more convenient and safer for treating depression as compared to anti-depressant pills which take several weeks to work.

Alladerm provides Red-Red 360 Treatment that can help shrink your fat cells and make you look slim and young. Book your appointments at 949-916-7166 and enjoy the amazing discount. We offer all sorts of cosmetic procedures in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


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