Tuesday, April 26, 2022

5 Ways To Prevent Hyperpigmentation

Learn the 5 essential ways to prevent hyperpigmentation and improve your appearance

If you are overwhelmed by dark spots and discoloration you are not alone. There are several options to combat this harmless but bothersome issue. This article rounds up some important ways to help you fight against hyperpigmentation.

What Is Hyperpigmentation?

  • Hyperpigmentation is a dermatologic condition that is caused by excess production of brown pigment in the skin. The pigment known as melanin causes the appearance of patches on the skin that look darker than your natural skin tone.

The most common causes of hyperpigmentation include overexposure to the sun, inflammation, underlying medical condition, etc.

Preventive Measures

Follow the below-mentioned tips to prevent hyperpigmentation and achieve flawless skin.

Apply Sunscreen

  • If you are dealing with hyperpigmentation, avoiding unnecessary sun exposure may be the key to healthy skin. Hyperpigmentation can be easily exacerbated by exposure to the sun. Always make sure to apply a layer of sunscreen before you step outside in the sun. This should be done even on a cloudy day.

To further protect the sensitive skin from damaging rays of the sun, apply SPF 15 or 30 every few hours. The consistent application of sunscreen helps prevent the pigments from darkening any further.

Limit Your Time In The Sun

  • Another important tip to avoid sun-induced hyperpigmentation is wearing protective clothing in addition to using good-quality sunscreen. Use hats and sunglasses to avoid direct exposure to sun rays. Limiting the time you spend outdoors in the sun is also helpful in the prevention of hyperpigmentation.

Avoid Touching The Affected Area

  • You must avoid picking at your scabs and pimples as this promotes bacterial growth in these areas. New bacteria can further aggravate acne and lead to hyperpigmentation, the development of scars, and dark spots.

Scratching and picking at the affected spot increase inflammation and cause further discoloration. Moreover, it is important to treat hyperpigmentation quickly otherwise the pigment can move deeper into the skin and will be difficult to erase.

Regular Exfoliation

  • Exfoliation is the key to fading the stubborn dark spots. It is advisable to go for a chemical exfoliant as this penetrates deeper within the skin layers and removes dead skin cells, promotes cell turnover, fades dark spots, and lightens the skin complexion.

Exfoliation can make skin sensitive to the sun therefore to shield your skin from the sun apply the exfoliant before exposing your skin to the sun.

Professional Treatment

If you want to go down the professional route that offers long-lasting results opt for intraceutical oxygen facials.

Intraceutical Oxygen Facials

  • This specialized beauty treatment utilizes therapeutic oxygen under pressure to infuse a special serum into the skin. The serum is made up of essential vitamins, hyaluronic acid, botanicals, amino peptides, and antioxidants that rehydrate the skin. In this treatment, three types of specialized formulations of Hyaluronic acid are combined using a multi-weight technique.

prevent hyperpigmentationAs a result, optimal hydration is achieved while treating all types of skin concerns including hyperpigmentation. The infusion of specialized serums sets this treatment apart from the typical facial treatments.


  • Intraceutical facial treatments use light pressure to efficiently deliver oxygen deep into the skin. This helps defy signs of aging and hyperpigmentation including age spots, brown spots, and sunspots while at the same time calming and cooling the skin. The rejuvenating serums contain lightweight Hyaluronic Acid that acts in synergy with other essential vitamins to increase the firmness of the skin.

Intraceutical oxygen facials improve skin contour and overall radiance. Moreover, the unique products used in this facial provide a protective layer to seal in the moisture and the serum. This helps supplement the skin and provides optimal protection against hyperpigmentation.

Satiate and revive your skin by opting for intraceutical oxygen facial. For highly effective and customized intraceutical oxygen facial or other beauty treatments, contact Alladerm. Call us at 949-916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.

source https://alladerm.com/prevent-hyperpigmentation/

Saturday, April 16, 2022

What Is Rosacea? Types And Treatments Explained

What is Rosacea, and how does it work? Following is a description of the many kinds and treatments

We all are attracted to clear beautiful and flawless skin and we aspire to have one. Many skin conditions are natural yet they cause the sufferers to lose their self-confidence. Rosacea is one such condition that affects about 20% of the population. Here is what you need to know about it.

What Is Rosacea?

  • Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that is more common in females than males. People with rosacea have skin that tends to blush or flush more often than normal skin. The redness affects the entire face and can spread to the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin.

In extreme conditions, it can cause the ears, chest, and back to become red. It usually develops in females after the age of 30 years. It is sometimes mistaken for acne, eczema, or an allergic reaction.

Symptoms Of Rosacea

  • The symptoms of rosacea vary greatly from patient to patient. However, people with lighter skin tones usually suffer from rosacea. The symptoms are easier to spot in these skin tones.

Most cases of rosacea show the following symptoms.

Skin Discoloration

  • This may appear like a blush or sunburn that is persistent. The expansion of hundreds of blood vessels on the skin surface causes skin discoloration.

Thicker Skin

  • The excess skin tissue may cause the skin to become thicker. This usually affects the nose and is much more common in males than females.


  • Flushing or redness spreads from the face down toward the neck and chest. Flushing causes the skin to feel excessively hot.

Skin Bumps

  • The development of small, red bumps on the skin is another symptom of rosacea. These bumps sometimes contain pus and may be confused with acne.

Spider Veins

  • Blood vessels in the cheeks, bridge of the nose, and central face become visible leading to a condition called telangiectasia.

Irritation In The Eye

  • Some people with rosacea have irritated and watery eyes. Around 50% of individuals with rosacea suffer from eye irritation which causes the eyelid to become red and swollen.

Types Of Rosacea

  • The American Society of Dermatology has classified rosacea into four main types. These include:

Erythematotelangiectatic Rosacea

  • This causes skin discoloration, flushing, and visible blood vessels.

Papulopustular Rosacea

  • This causes skin flushing, swelling, and breakouts resembling acne.

Phymatous Rosacea

  • This leads to the development of thickened, bumpy skin.

Ocular Rosacea

  • As the name suggests, ocular rosacea affects the eyes and causes eye redness, irritation, and swollen eyelids.

Treatment Options

  • There is no permanent cure for rosacea. Various treatments are designed to target and reduce symptoms of rosacea. However, the best results are achieved by a combination of medications and lifestyle changes.

Laser Genesis

  • Laser genesis is a unique procedure that outdoes other laser procedures. It is a scientifically proven non-invasive laser-based treatment. Dermatologists often recommend laser treatments for mitigating the symptoms associated with rosacea. These treatments can remove thickened skin that develops as a result of rosacea.

Furthermore, laser treatment can help reduce spider veins or telangiectasia. Intense pulses of specified wavelengths are used to shrink these visible veins and induce healing and rejuvenation within the skin tissues.

How Does Laser Genesis Work?

  • what is rosaceaThe heat from the laser penetrates deep within the skin to kill bacteria and stimulate deeper layers of skin to produce collagen. In this treatment, the microvessels of the dermis are heated gently, which reduces the redness associated with rosacea and improves the skin texture.

It is a safe and effective treatment for individuals dealing with active acne, acne scars, open pores, and age spots. It equally works on the face, neck, back, and other parts.

Other treatments include the use of:

  • Skin creams
  • Eye drops
  • Anti-biotic
  • Isotretinoin

Contact Alladerm if you are looking for top-notch aestheticians for getting laser genesis treatment. We provide services in Aliso Creek Rd, California, and nearby areas.

source https://alladerm.com/what-is-rosacea/

Monday, April 11, 2022

5 Remarkable Advantages Of Kybella Treatment

Read below the advantages of kybella treatment and how it may help you achieve a more appealing look.

The double chin or submental fat is a common problem affecting people of all ages worldwide. There are several options for treating a double chin but kybella works best when it comes to slimming down a double chin. It creates a more defined jawline and an overall younger and attractive appearance.

Kybella Treatment

  • Kybella is a non-surgical procedure approved by the FDA for the treatment of subcutaneous fat under the chin. It is an injectable treatment in which a naturally occurring substance called deoxycholic acid is used. Kybella uses the synthetic form of deoxycholic acid that aids in the breakdown of fat cells in the submental region.

The area underneath the chin is referred to as the submental region. Treatment with kybella has shown excellent results in improving the appearance and profile of moderate to severe submental fat. Kybella effectively dissolves fat not only under the chin but also in the jawline, legs, arms, and abdominal region.

It Is Effective

  • Kybella is comparatively a new procedure in the world of cosmetics that effectively eliminates fat in the submental area. It can work wonders in transforming a poorly defined jawline and chin into a sleek and slender one. Aesthetic professionals inject the specialized kybella solution into the targeted areas under the chin to dissolve the excess fat.

The synthetic version of naturally occurring deoxycholic acid is used in kybella treatment for breaking down fat. The acid works by destroying the fat cells under your chin. These broken down fat cells are then flushed out by the body. It is a highly effective treatment that works specifically on the targeted fat cells.

It Is Non-Invasive

  • Advancement in cosmetic procedures has introduced several treatments that go beyond surgical options and kybella is one of them. Kybella is a minimally invasive approach that can be used to get rid of a double chin. With kybella, you do not require any surgery or incisions. It is a quick procedure with little to no downtime.

Patients can resume their routine almost immediately following the procedure. Tiny needles are used to inject small amounts of kybella over the targeted area. The patients might observe mild swelling for a few days. Some individuals may require additional sessions for long-lasting results.

It Is A Quick Process

  • Double chin or submental fat can develop due to several reasons and affects both men and women. But, most of us do not always have the time and money to undergo extensive plastic surgery. Kybella is a quick and easy procedure that can fit seamlessly into your life to provide you with the profile and appearance you are dreaming about.

The process is completed within a duration of 15 to 20 minutes. Before starting treatment, the area under the chin is examined by the healthcare specialist to determine if kybella is suitable for the patient. Multiple small injections are administered underneath the chin in each treatment.

It Offers Long-Lasting Results

  • One of the best things about kybella is that it permanently destroys the fat cells thereby giving you long-lasting results. Proper diet and exercise can help prolong the results by preventing the formation of new fat cells under your chin.

advantages of kybella treatmentMoreover, the injections are tolerated quite well by most patients. Before starting the treatment, a numbing agent is usually applied to the skin to help patients remain comfortable. The mild swelling that peaks about 24 hours after the treatment can be minimized by applying an ice pack.

It Gives You A Youthful Appearance

  • Nobody wants to look older than they are but a double chin often makes you appear older than your age. When you undergo kybella treatment not only your jawline is defined but your overall appearance becomes slim and youthful.

If you want a more defined jawline or want to get rid of a double chin, book a kybella appointment with Alladerm. To learn more about Kybella or to explore other options call us at 949 916 7166. We are operating in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.

source https://alladerm.com/advantages-of-kybella-treatment/

Friday, April 1, 2022

Different Types Of Chemical Peels And Acids (Part 2)

Dermatologists in Aliso Viejo talk about different types of chemical peels and acids that can be used to get rid of the skin troubles

Our skin is continuously exposed to environmental factors that lead to the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, or poor texture making us appear older. Chemical peels are one of the best options to help reverse these changes and make your skin look youthful.

Types Of Acids Used In Chemical Peels

  • When researching a chemical solution for your skin, make sure you know as much as you can. Because skincare cannot be taken lightly. It is, therefore, important to learn about the type of acids chemical peels they contain.

This will help you choose the right type of chemical peel for your skin. Here is a quick guide to different types of chemical peels based on the acids they contain.

Glycolic Acid Peel

  • Our skin needs a deep chemical peel from time to time. Out of all the available chemical peels, glycolic acid-based peel penetrates deepest into the skin. Glycolic acid has a small molecular structure which is why it is capable of penetrating deeper into the layers of skin. This helps bring the youthful glow back to aging skin.

Glycolic acid is the best chemical peel for exfoliation and removal of dead skin cells. These chemical peels come in varying intensities and affect your skin differently based on the strength of the acid used in the peel.

Lactic Acid Peel

  • Some of the chemicals in the regular peels may be irritating to sensitive skin. For such skin, a light chemical peel such as lactic acid peel may be the best. Lactic acid peel utilizes lactic acid from the milk to gently exfoliate your sensitive skin. It also moisturizes and soothes the skin.

Salicylic Acid Peel

  • Beta chemical peel or salicylic acid peel is best for acne-prone skin. If you are dealing with a bunch of annoying and embarrassing acne-related problems, a beta peel is a solution you may be looking for.

The beta peel contains salicylic acid that has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It is great for fighting acne and reducing oil on the skin. It takes care of acne-causing bacteria to give you the clear and glowing skin that you dream of.

Retinol Acid Peel

  • Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A which is popularly used in skin care products for encouraging the growth of skin cells. The molecular size of retinol is small enough to penetrate deep into the layers of the skin thus stimulating the production of new skin cells.

It efficiently cleans your pores and reduces the chances of acne by deep cleansing the skin. Retinol peel is ideal for those looking for fresh, hydrated, and rejuvenated skin. It is also good for reducing other skin concerns including fine lines, wrinkles, and acne.

Mandelic Acid Peel

In the world of skincare, mandelic acid is a go-to anti-aging solution. It works in the following ways to improve complexion and reduce the signs of aging:

  • types of chemical peels and acidsSpeeds up cell turnover by dissolving tiny bonds that hold the skin cells together.
  • Removes the dead skin cell on the surface of the skin.
  • Brightens the dull complexion and reduces the fine lines.
  • Improves collagen production that helps restore the youthful firmness of the skin.

Mandelic acid works on the outer layer of the skin called the stratum corneum. The sloughing off of dead skin cells from the stratum corneum causes the skin to look smoother and more youthful.

At Alladerm, your chemical peel is customized to ensure you get the most benefits from treatment. Book your appointments at 949-916-7166 to consult with a reliable esthetician to determine the best type of peel for your skin. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.

source https://alladerm.com/types-of-chemical-peels-and-acids/

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