Friday, December 30, 2022

4 Levels Of Chemical Peels: How Do They Help Your Skin?

Read below to learn more about the 4 levels of chemical peels and their benefits

Chemical peels may be the right option if you are looking for a healthy, refreshed complexion and a younger look. Chemical peels help treat skin issues like wrinkles, sun damage, age spots, acne scars, and more. This article highlights different levels of chemical peels and their effectiveness for your skin.

Level 1: Very Superficial Chemical Peels

  • Superficial chemical peels act more like an exfoliation. They work on the superficial layer of the skin to remove the built-up dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. An exfoliating agent such as glycolic acid cream is used 2 to 4 weeks before the procedure. This allows the chemical peel to penetrate deeper into the skin.

In addition, the use of exfoliating agent smooths out thickened, rough areas of the skin, thereby helping skin rejuvenation agents reach deeper tissues. Moreover, the use of vitamin A exfoliants stimulates collagen production. An aesthetician or a board-certified physician can perform the superficial chemical peeling.

Level 2: Superficial Chemical Peels

  • They work through the epidermal layer of the skin to remove the built-up dead skin cells that make your skin look dull. Some superficial peels remove only the stratum corneum of the epidermis, while others reach deep to the basal layer. Superficial peels cleanse the pores and remove blotchy skin discoloration.

They are the most commonly used chemical peels and utilize glycolic acid, and AHA blends as the active ingredients. Peels containing higher than 30% glycolic acid are performed ideally in a medical setting. Home peel kits contain minimal glycolic acid levels or a salicylic acid blend.

Level 3: Medium Chemical Peels

  • Medium peels penetrate the entire epidermis to exfoliate cells within the papillary dermis. The papillary dermis is the thin top layer of the dermis. It supplies blood and nutrients to the epidermis through its blood vessels and connective tissue network. Pre-peel use of exfoliant, a bleaching agent, and broad-spectrum sunscreen are started one month before the procedure. This is done for patients who require more aggressive forms of peels.

It is essential to consult with a certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon before going for the treatment. This will help avoid possible complications and unwanted outcomes. Since medium peels penetrate the deeper layer of skin, they produce more pronounced results than light chemical peels. Level three chemical peels may not be suitable for people with darker skin tones due to the likelihood of irregular skin pigmentation after the treatment. Medium peels are well suited for skin issues like acne scars, wrinkles, sun damage, liver spots, etc.

Level 4: Deep Chemical Peels

  • levels of chemical peelsDeep chemical peels go across the epidermis, papillary dermis, and into the deeper layer of skin known as the reticular dermis. As the name indicates, deep chemical peels penetrate the deepest into the skin by removing the entire epidermis and the papillary dermis. Patients must be placed under general anesthesia and monitored for specific health conditions to perform this treatment.

Deep peels may carry some risks, which is why they are performed only by a highly trained, board-certified provider. They address the most significant skin concerns, including deep wrinkles, laxity, pre-cancerous growth, uneven skin tone, and more.

Alladerm believes that everyone deserves to look and feel their best. That’s why we offer the safest cosmetic procedure, including the chemical peel procedure, at discounted rates. To learn more about our services or to book an appointment, call us today at 949-916-7166. We look forward to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals!


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

4 Lesser-Known Uses Of Botox

Read on to learn about 4 lesser-known uses of botox

Each year about 7.4 million people receive Botox injections in the U.S alone. Many people believe that vanity is the only reason Botox is so popular. But did you know that Botox has plenty of other non-cosmetic uses? Botox is inarguably one of the best minimally invasive anti-aging cosmetic procedures. However, it has several other remarkable benefits as well. So let’s dive right into the lesser-known uses of Botox.

Corrects Eye Alignment And Coordination

  • In the earliest days, Botox was popularly used for treating eye disorders and strabismus. Strabismus is a medical condition that causes improper eye alignment. In this condition, one of the eyes looks straight ahead while the other turns to one side, either upward or downward.

Since the 1970s, Botox has been successfully used to correct eye position. It aligns the position of both eyes, so they line up in the same direction and simultaneously look at the same objects. Botox has been safely used in small doses, even in children with strabismus.

Corrects Involuntary Movement Of the Eye

  • Although rare, some people have an eye condition that causes uncomfortable and involuntary eye blinking. The uncontrollable eye twitching can make it difficult to open or keep the eyes open. This condition is known as blepharospasm and results from spastic muscles surrounding the eyes.

The spasms occur because of the anomalies in the brain part that controls eye muscles. Botulinum toxin can reduce involuntary muscle movement and correct blepharospasm by relaxing the muscles. In small doses, the Botulinum toxin relaxes the eyelid muscles and prevents uncontrollable twitching.

Keeps Excessive Sweating In Check

  • Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition in which individuals experience excessive sweating, even on days that are not hot. The amount of sweat produced is so abnormal that it soaks through the clothes. The antiperspirant products do not work well for these people.

However, Botox comes to the rescue. It is the best choice to curb the overactive sweat glands. FDA has approved Botox to reduce excessive underarm sweating. Botox also helps to reduce sweat on the feet or hands.

Treats Excessive Urination

  • If nature calls you every so often, you are not alone. Up to 33 million people are affected by overactive bladder in the U.S. Every 4 out of 10 persons, on average, suffers from this condition. Research has proved that small doses of Botox can help keep an overactive bladder in check and correct excessive urination.

Botox helps relax the bladder muscles and increases their storage capacity. Thus, resulting in fewer episodes of urination. For this reason, FDA approved Botox to correct urinary incontinence in 2013.

Rewind Your Age With Botox

  • uses of botoxBotox is the most popular non-invasive cosmetic procedure. It is commonly used to treat fine lines and age-related wrinkles. Botulinum toxin freezes the wrinkle-causing muscles temporarily. One of the best things about Botox is that it gives natural-looking results. Wrinkles fade subtly, and no over-the-top changes are manifested. In addition, Botox is a very safe and non-surgical procedure.

For Botox, no anesthesia or sedation is required. Your skin will look younger and wrinkle-free. It is injected into problematic areas like the forehead or the corners of the eyes. Botox is a quick and easy procedure that can be performed in 10-15 minutes. The ease of procedure, minimal side effects, and quick recovery time make it very convenient.

For more information on Botox, contact Alladerm. Along with Botox, we offer multiple cosmetic procedures such as dermal fillers, Kybella, Laser Hair removal, laser genesis, micro-needling, and PDO thread lift at discounted rates. To book your appointment, call us at 949-916-7166. We offer services in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


Sunday, December 18, 2022

5 Extraordinary Facts About Exosome Therapy

A dermatologist near you revealed 5 astonishing facts about exosome therapy

Exosome therapy is the future of skin rejuvenation. The rejuvenation power of exosomes is a thousand-fold stronger than PRP. It is much more effective in repairing sun damage than retinol-based treatments. Additionally, the treatment is minimally invasive, and no downtime is associated. This article highlights some remarkable facts about exosome therapy.

Exosomes Are Released By Cells In The Human Body

  • Exosomes are microscopic particles that are produced by almost every cell of the human body, including skin cells. However, the exosomes released by skin cells are slightly different in composition. They contain various growth factors, proteins, peptides, amino acids, and materials that benefit the skin. Their role is to communicate and transmit signals between cells to trigger the regeneration of unhealthy cells.

Simply put, exosomes are messengers that stimulate the body’s natural healing process. The healing power of exosomes is utilized in skin care treatments by extracting them from stem cells. Exosomes are effectively used in skin rejuvenation treatments without the risk of adverse host reactions. Moreover, exosomes can be easily modified to perform specific actions at specific sites.

Exosomes Look And Feel Like Aloe Vera Gel

  • The treatment is quick, easy, and pain-free. However, exosomes cannot be injected on their own. Instead, a cosmetic procedure like micro-needling is required to create microscopic channels in the skin. Exosomes are then applied just like a topical serum or gel.

This enhances the absorption of exosomes and allows the particles to reach the deeper layers of the skin and cause effective skin rejuvenation. Exosome therapy is always done in conjunction with other treatments because they cannot penetrate skin cells on their own. Exosomes look like clear aloe vera gel and spread all over the face to promote better absorption.

Boosts Collagen And Elastin Production

  • Just like collagen, exosome production declines with aging. Thus, leading to sagged skin, wrinkles, and fine lines. Exosome therapy encourages rejuvenation in two ways. First, it activates the inactive skin cells. Second, it wakes up the older exosomes to trigger the repair and rejuvenation process.

In addition to promoting cell regeneration, exosome therapy also boosts the natural production of collagen and elastin in the skin. This causes the skin to become soft, supple, firm, bright, and smooth. The improvements can be seen within two weeks after the treatment.

Helps Treat Inflammatory Skin Conditions

  • A recent study suggests that exosomes have anti-inflammatory properties that help diminish the symptoms of psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin conditions. Researchers are finding new ways to utilize exosomes for wound healing in burn victims, diabetic patients, and surgery patients.

Furthermore, exosomes speed up recovery time and enhance the efficacy of cosmetic procedures. Thus, cutting down the number of treatments needed.

Exosomes Have A Wide Range Of Benefits

  • facts about exosome therapyIn addition to skin rejuvenation, exosomes offer countless other benefits. They act as a modern anti-aging and anti-wrinkle treatment. Exosome therapy works well for people looking to treat acne scars, enlarged pores, and uneven skin texture. Exosomes penetrate deep within the skin cells to treat sun damage, reduce pigmentation, and improve skin complexion.

The best thing about exosome therapy is that it offers all these benefits without any side effects. If your skin can tolerate micro-needling and laser, exosome therapy is a breeze. Moreover, exosome therapy is perfect for individuals who want radiant skin for an upcoming event without having to deal with any downtime. It takes the laser treatment to the next level by offering promising results.

For the natural and enhanced look of your skin, experiment with exosome therapy now. Consult with our certified skincare experts to determine a treatment that works best for you. At Alladerm, we offer all sorts of cosmetic procedures. Get in touch with us at 949-916-7166 and schedule your appointment today.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Tips to Help Reduce the Appearance of Cellulite

Read and learn helpful advice to reduce the appearance of cellulite

No part of your body is a flaw unless you want it to be. The same goes for cellulite. Almost every woman, even men, big or small, can have cellulite. It’s commonly mistaken that only obese women can have it, whereas slim people also have cellulite on their buttocks, thighs, hips, bellies, and other fatty areas.

We may often be insecure about things such as double chin, facial hair, or even cellulite, but we always know that it is human to have them, and it is also okay not to want them. Following are the major reasons for the appearance of cellulite:

  • Poor diet
  • Increased body fat
  • Slow metabolism
  • Lack of exercise

Suppose you want to embrace your cellulite — more power to you. However, if it affects your self-perception and you feel you would feel better without it, there are ways to help reduce the appearance of cellulite. Let’s find out.

Move Your Body

  • Cellulite is all about the fat build-up. With a regular exercise routine, you can reduce the appearance of cellulite. Cellulite also appears more on lumpy skin, which means it’s time for you to build some muscle to help you tone your skin for a more even look.

Stop Eating Empty Calories

  • Incorporate your diet with more raw foods and avoid empty calories. You can find more fiber in whole grains, vegetables and fruits. It’s ideal to cook your own meals or buy from organic sources. Skip the fatty fast food and processed meals. Refined carbs in soft drinks, candy, and bread, can lead to fat build-up in cellulite-prone areas.

Lose Some Weight

  • As mentioned before, both plump and skinny women and men can have cellulite. But with extra weight, your cellulite may appear more visible. To reduce cellulite, it’s ideal to  shedding some pounds in a slow and steady manner. Don’t lose weight immediately, as this will cause your skin to sag. A mix of a healthy diet and exercise to tone your muscles is the ideal weight loss remedy.

Quit Smoking

  • If you are a smoker, you should know that each puff you inhale harms you. It may be evident that smoking is harmful to health, but did you know that it also disrupts the blood supply to your skin, which causes it to appear thinner and saggy – making cellulite more visible.


  • Massaging your skin helps improve blood flow, evens your skin tone and helps tone muscles as well. You can eliminate fluid retention in your skin, making cellulite dimples less noticeable.

Test New Products

  • Skincare products that are caffeine-induced help with cellulite.  They can help tighten your skin. Other plant-based products are also helpful. Try out different products to see which one works best for you. Always do a patch test while trying a new product.

Try Support Stockings

  • With the proper support stocking, you can help your skin from appearing saggy. Wearing them often will also benefit by preventing fluid storage. Hence, cellulite will appear less.

Indulge in a Spa Treatment

  • If you want quick but temporary results, perhaps a spa treatment is what you want. Getting a professional massage will help your skin for the time being.

QWO – Cellulite Treatment

  • reduce the appearance of celluliteIf you want long-term results, you should try the FDA-approved QWO or Collagenase Clostridium  treatment. It addresses the root cause and offers a  long-term reduced appearance of cellulite.  It is minimally invasive, as it is treated with tiny needles. Most women get it done on their buttocks, but it could also be done on the thighs.

Alladerm offers QWO treatment at reasonable rates.  For more information, contact us at 949-916-7166. You can find us in Aliso Viejo, CA, and nearby areas.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

3 Things You Need to Know About Face and Body Lasers

Before choosing face and body lasers, you must be aware of the following three factors

Laser hair removal isn’t a basic skin-care routine. You don’t get to sit in a salt bath or get a heavenly massage that gives instant results. It’s a lengthy treatment that involves zapping, feeling uncomfortable some days and taking a long time to get the results. However, with suitable laser technicians or estheticians, you can find unique and long-lasting effects in the long run.

With laser hair removal, you don’t have to worry about those weird-smelling shaving creams, painful waxing appointments, or shaving (for the most part). Finally, you could raise your arms without being conscious of your underarms.

It could be that you are comfortable with your ungroomed and natural hair, and that’s a personal preference. But some of you may want to say goodbye to those shaving nicks, razor bumps, and ingrown hair forever.

So, if you are debating on getting your body hair lasered and permanently removed, these are a few things you need to know to understand whether the treatment is worth it or not.

Is the process painful?

  • To know the answer to this question, you must first understand how a laser works. A laser light is sent through hair pigment. The light converts to heat and causes damage to the hair follicle and bulb.

So, the pain you may experience would be sharp and quick. Also, it depends on your pain threshold and skin area. You may experience more pain in your temples, chin, and around your nose.

  • Luckily, laser machines are built with a cooling mechanism. Cold air is blasted where the laser is pointing, which is quite helpful. Moreover, cold rooms and lower body temperature also help. So make sure you reach your appointments on time and don’t come running last minute — giving your body time to cool down before getting your laser treatment.

How much time does it take?

  • The time to get the complete treatment may vary from person to person. It may take 8-12 weeks to see the total result. However, you may start seeing progress after the first few weeks. Moreover, you need to be on time with your appointments, so you can see the results you want.

Hair follicles are at different stages throughout the process, and getting all of them zapped is very important. Hair needs to be lasered in its active state. Stopping will hinder the process and not give the expected results.

How do you prep your skin?

If you have anything on your skin, such as too-long hair, makeup, or skincare products, it will cause irritation or even a burning smell. It is recommended to remove everything beforehand.

Here’s how you prep your skin for optimum results.

  • Shave your skin cleanly before 24 hours of treatment.
  • Do not use electrical lasers.
  • Do not pluck, wax or tweeze.
  • Do not apply sunscreen, lotion, deodorant,or other substances to your skin.
  • If you have applied anything, inform the practitioner and clean with wipes.
  • Do not overexpose your skin to the sun four weeks before treatment.
  • Your skin should not be fake-tanned.
  • Exfoliate your skin to remove any residues.

How much time does each session take?

  • face and body lasersThe sessions are quite fast. Each session may take 20 to 30 minutes, including some discussion with your practitioner and a quick makeup removal to get the job done. Permanent hair removal via laser treatment is a noninvasive method that lasts long and produces excellent results. It is better than waxing, plucking, and chemical duplicators.

Alladerm, located in Aliso Viejo, CA, offers a variety of expert beauty treatments ranging from chemical peeling, photo facial, Thread Lift, and Botox. To know more about us — call 949-916-7166.


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