Dermatologist near you revealed the non-surgical ways to tighten sagging skin
Skin laxity is frustrating and negatively affects an individual’s self-esteem. Loss of collagen, elastin fibers, and hyaluronic acid due to aging cause the skin to become loose. Other factors that contribute to loose skin include damage from UV rays, smoking, use of skin products, and certain medications. This article discusses popular techniques to tighten loose skin.
Age Gracefully With Regular Exercise
- Regular physical activity and exercise is the key to healthy aging. Studies indicate that specific types of exercises help delay the signs of skin aging. In a 2015 study, it was found that endurance exercises help reduce the effects of age-related skin changes.
Endurance exercises improve tissue metabolism by stimulating the release of a chemical called interleukin-15. The release of interleukin-15 from skeletal muscles, in turn, reduces skin changes.
Use Retinoid-Based Firming Creams
Retinoids-based firming creams are a good choice for skin tightening. Retinoids are chemically derived from vitamin A and include:
- Tretinoin
- Retinoic acid
- Adapalene
Retinoids enhance cell proliferation, maturation, and turnover. In addition, the products that contain hyaluronic acid also work well for the skin. Hyaluronic acid can help your skin in the following ways:
- Fades wrinkles
- Improves skin texture and firmness
- Reduces skin roughness
Cosmetic Procedures
- Several non-surgical procedures help reduce the appearance of loose skin. Various devices and techniques are used for delivering heat under the skin. This results in the stimulation of collagen and elastin production in the skin. Listed below are the procedures that offer the most promising results for skin tightening.
Chemical Peels
- Chemical peeling is when a chemical solution that causes a controlled peeling of the epidermis or the dermis is applied to the skin. The solution removes the old skin layer, leading to skin cell regeneration and renewal.
Cutera Titan Laser Treatment
- Cutera Titan is a rejuvenation treatment designed to tighten the skin on the face, neck, stomach, and upper arms. The therapy uses infrared light to penetrate the dermis beneath the skin’s surface. The infrared energy heats the skin and stimulates collagen production. This makes the skin firm and tight without causing side effects commonly associated with cosmetic surgeries.
The treatment is pain-free; clients only feel a slight heating sensation. The results last for up to 2 years. Multiple treatments and adequate aftercare can prolong the effects of the procedure.
- Neuromodulators such as Botox also work well when it comes to skin tightening. They reduce the appearance of loose skin and eliminate wrinkles by temporarily freezing facial muscles.
Intake Of Dietary Supplements
- A healthy diet and nutritional supplements play a significant role in skin health. The most effective skin supplements include:
Collagen hydrolysate
Collagen peptides, when taken in the form of oral supplements, may help the skin by:
- Improving hyaluronic acid levels and the moisture barrier of the skin
- Boosting collagen production
- Increasing growth of skin fibroblasts
- Promoting wound healing
- Antioxidants work by neutralizing reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS are compounds that destroy cells and activate pathways that degrade collagen production. Supplementation with antioxidants helps reduce skin sagging and the depth of wrinkles.
In addition, antioxidants stimulate collagen and elastin growth in the skin. The antioxidants that can be obtained from diet and supplements include:
Vitamins A, C, D, and E
- Coenzyme Q10
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
Improve Blood Flow To The Skin
- Massage is a helpful technique for improving the blood flow to the affected area. It helps stimulate the anti-aging response of the skin. Studies have found that skin massage in combination with anti-aging cream amplifies the results.
Alladerm offers Cutera Titan Laser, Botox, Chemical peeling, Photofacial, and all sorts of cosmetic procedures. For more information, call us at 949-916-7166. We are located in Aliso Viejo, CA.